Weekly Meeting 4/2: Reverse Engineering Part 2

Hello everyone, this week Tyler will be continuing his lecture series on RE/MA as a part two for last week's lecture, with this week's focus on advanced static analysis (ASA). He will be going over x86 and how to use ASA tools with demos. Bring a laptop and have EHC's pre-built vm setup for a chance to do a lab and walkthrough a lab with Tyler! Per usual, this meeting will be held at 5:00PM in Shelby 3129, we hope to see you there!
If you don't have VM Software installed, here's where to look:
https://aub.ie/re-vm-vb (Virtual Box)
https://aub.ie/re-vm (VMware)
P.S. If you nominated yourself for an officer position, your written statement or video is needed by tonight's meeting