Cyber Boot Camp 2022

What is CBC?
Cyber Boot Camp (CBC) is an event hosted by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). The goal of this event is to educate and train cybersecurity professionals and students in critical areas including incident response, and network archaeology. This year, the event will will be split into two hybrid events, one hosted by LANL and the other by SNL. Tentatively, SNL will take place January 6-7 and LANL will take place January 10-11.
Los Alamos National Laboratory will be covering Network Forensics from the perspective of an incidence response. The purpose of this event is to give students a better understanding of unknown protocol analysis. During this, participants will analyze and decode c2 protocols.
SNL - TracerFire
Sandia National Laboratories will be covering incident response, and having participants group up to work through a mock incident. In the past, this event mocks an actual compromised network and had participants investigate how the network was compromised, how adversaries moved around the network, and what was stolen from the network. Participants will work with disk images, memory dumps, and malicious binaries in order to understand and report on the incident.
The SNL TracerFire event will be a team-based event. During the event you will work with up to 5 other people as an incident response team. We will help form teams in our Discord channel, and if you don't have a team at the time of the event, we will work to help you then. Participants are encouraged to form teams early.
Team size: Up to 5 people. We'll have a Discord Channel to help in finding a team:
Why should I do CBC?
CBC is a great opportunity to work with a realistic digital forensics scenario where an attacker has taken foothold and sabotaged a company. You will have an opportunity to take apart Security Onion events, reverse-engineer hardware drivers, peruse email logs, and formulate a story and motive behind the attacker's actions, and all of this is done in an easily-digestible CTF format, preceded by lectures hosted by national security experts.
What do you mean the event is hybrid?
CBC this year will take place both online and in-person. The online event will be free, while the in-person event will take place at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico.
You can choose to register for one of the two events or both. Additionally, tentatively both events will take place online and in-person. If you choose to go in-person, proof of full COVID-19 vaccination and US citizenship are required.
For in-person, SNL participants will have to arrive on Wednesday, January 5th before 12PM in order to get a badge to go on campus.
How much does it cost?
Online is free.
In-person varies, but expect to bring enough for living costs and transportation.
Who can apply?
Any Auburn student may apply.
When do I register?
If you're interested in attending in-person, register ASAP. We will confirm your registration. Otherwise, general registration will be available until Friday, December 31st.
Join a team by 11:00 AM, January 5th.
Registration Link
QR Code